Huanzhen Zhao (赵焕镇)

Completed Solves
China 2019ZHAO08 Male 3 72

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 6186 18212 49573 14.04 16.01 42924 16048 5506
2x2x2 Cube 4698 15234 52442 4.53 7.37 65400 19753 6219
3x3x3 One-Handed 2197 6308 16867 22.45 28.29 17648 6754 2406
Pyraminx 2113 6456 24152 6.31 9.79 25416 7083 2469
Skewb 2139 6562 25994 8.12 11.99 24862 6474 2132
3x3x3 Cube
Shandong Open 2019 Second round 113 14.04 16.01 15.3914.0417.2615.3721.73
First round 145 16.06 17.69 16.0616.6817.8718.5218.63
China Championship 2019 Second round 473 15.90 17.19 16.2815.9017.2918.3617.99
First round 511 16.51 17.59 17.5718.3716.8420.6616.51
Qingdao Spring 2019 Final 43 15.54 16.60 18.1415.5417.1716.3916.25
First round 56 17.13 17.88 17.1320.4718.4817.1917.98
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