Elliott Z. Cataldi

Completed Solves
United States 2020CATA02 Male 4 162

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4733 6220 24212 11.04 12.80 20568 5214 3976
2x2x2 Cube 8530 11207 40223 3.94 5.47 33090 9277 7127
4x4x4 Cube 2621 3614 14790 47.71 52.70 13094 3210 2336
5x5x5 Cube 2140 2905 10979 1:37.38 1:47.84 10923 2910 2142
6x6x6 Cube 1566 2096 7282 3:24.69 3:34.88 6815 1986 1492
7x7x7 Cube 1412 1902 6704 5:28.96
3x3x3 One-Handed 2741 3722 15481 21.69 27.82 17025 4035 2958
Clock 3580 4337 13928 18.00 22.50 13500 4296 3558
Megaminx 2061 2846 10177 1:42.72 1:57.53 10368 2934 2144
Pyraminx 10327 13236 46895 8.76 10.82 32485 8832 6874
Skewb 8385 10584 34040 10.00 18.30 42372 13577 10784
3x3x3 Cube
Rochester Fall 2022 Second round 25 11.04 12.80 12.3813.7512.4513.5811.04
First round 33 12.52 13.81 12.5213.7913.9714.6413.67
CubingUSA Heartland Championship 2022 Second round 45 12.92 13.82 13.8416.0614.4913.1312.92
First round 54 13.08 14.96 15.9613.0815.4017.2813.51
Cubetcha B 2021 Second round 14 11.42 13.21 12.1914.8112.6215.7211.42
First round 18 12.46 15.62 12.4619.1713.8417.9815.04
Cubing Peoria 2020 Second round 48 14.24 18.41 20.5816.6821.0414.2417.98
First round 57 16.84 20.43 16.8422.6419.4825.7619.16
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