Oliver Jull

Completed Solves
New Zealand 2020JULL01 Male 4 88

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 296 1590 39788 12.89 13.79 27127 1092 206
2x2x2 Cube 405 2182 41921 4.02 6.34 48543 2508 463
4x4x4 Cube 206 1051 26376 1:00.85 1:10.43 26506 1056 208
5x5x5 Cube 159 763 17897 2:05.08 2:32.97 18750 790 181
3x3x3 One-Handed 196 1002 25792 27.69 44.52 36526 1459 277
Megaminx 197 958 19947 2:48.12
Pyraminx 404 2076 39226 7.95 18.10 79038 4499 751
3x3x3 Cube
Twisty Taranaki 2021 First round 15 13.15 13.79 15.5813.7913.1513.9813.59
New Zealand Nationals 2020 Second round 34 13.08 14.93 14.9116.4820.9513.0813.40
First round 36 12.95 15.30 12.9517.3915.7214.6115.56
Welcome Back Wellington 2020 Second round 28 12.89 18.29 16.6320.9812.8919.5118.74
First round 28 14.93 18.28 17.8114.9317.9019.1420.16
Auckland Summer Open 2020 First round 72 20.77 23.92 23.3820.7724.4125.9923.97
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