Eve Carroll

Completed Solves
Australia 2021CARR01 Female 2 49

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1261 1550 38786 12.77 16.61 47280 1885 1532
2x2x2 Cube 1725 2124 40613 3.96 4.83 22507 1154 915
Pyraminx 300 404 7997 3.99 7.61 12698 611 467
Skewb 454 603 12506 5.35 12.03 25002 1328 1064
3x3x3 Cube
December Series: Kensington 2021 First round 39 15.16 16.61 15.1623.1716.6717.6015.57
Barwon Cube for the Kids 2021 Second round 29 14.75 16.69 14.7516.9219.2016.0517.11
First round 31 12.77 17.75 19.0817.8120.3512.7716.37
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