Luka Gregory Ling

Completed Solves
Australia 2021LING02 Male 3 24

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7937 9409 190368 41.04 46.31 181162 8955 7532
2x2x2 Cube 6434 7687 139616 12.89 16.62 131857 7223 6025
Pyraminx 5094 6064 106379 22.85 34.47 104021 5994 5034
Skewb 3042 3623 61113 29.87 44.40 59390 3576 3007
3x3x3 Cube
Fremantle Fast Fingers 2021 First round 102 41.04 46.31 47.9748.6047.7841.0443.17
Craigie Cube-Off 2021 First round 86 45.69 53.03 52.6658.9945.6947.4559.06
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