Miles Meegan

Completed Solves
United States 2021MEEG01 Male 4 84

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 13792 18362 71037 16.66 19.84 69269 17798 13328
2x2x2 Cube 10754 14114 50396 4.43 6.11 44436 12501 9562
4x4x4 Cube 7899 10622 39565 1:19.25 1:29.75 36283 9879 7448
Clock 4993 6023 18496 25.61 28.84 15847 5211 4323
Pyraminx 4808 6213 23313 6.21 10.01 26931 7194 5578
Skewb 9818 12364 39184 11.40 15.16 34792 10901 8644
Square-1 3097 3832 11696 32.99 38.71 9866 3255 2642
3x3x3 Cube
Idaho French Fried 2022 Second round 27 17.80 19.98 19.2317.8021.9119.5821.14
First round 23 18.76 20.31 18.7620.1320.5420.2722.08
Going Slow in Idaho 2022 Second round 24 18.03 20.69 25.8818.0322.5020.7718.80
First round 24 16.66 19.84 20.4919.9519.0922.5516.66
Going Fast in Idaho 2022 First round 27 18.98 21.80 21.9918.9819.2624.1625.28
Idaho Summer A 2021 First round 36 26.30 28.56 26.5030.1826.3030.2628.99
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