Antoni Pośniak

Completed Solves
Poland 2021POSN01 Male 5 112

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 711 5751 22218 10.77 11.89 15228 3960 498
2x2x2 Cube 939 7897 25171 3.18 4.58 18850 5777 721
4x4x4 Cube 1031 9376 33155 1:09.80
3x3x3 One-Handed 953 9204 35161 34.11
Clock 712 4943 13996 18.07
Pyraminx 794 5866 17012 5.42 10.06 27265 8943 1193
Skewb 1188 9351 28727 8.72 10.40 19315 6339 876
3x3x3 Cube
Cube4fun Cubers Eve Żyrardów 2024 Second round 42 11.68 13.09 13.3711.8515.3614.0511.68
First round 38 10.77 11.89 10.7711.8014.4911.2312.65
Polish Championship 2021 Second round 88 14.18 15.95 20.3416.0115.4614.1816.39
First round 94 14.27 15.61 14.3216.8618.4914.2715.64
September Speedcubing Tour Warszawa 2021 First round 64 12.69 16.59 15.9012.6916.6517.2317.98
Project Kedzierzyn-Kozle 2021 First round 55 14.57 18.83 19.9020.3014.5718.3818.20
Lubelska Liga Speedcubingu III Zamość 2021 First round 59 19.23 19.71 19.2321.5319.8819.2320.02
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