Egor Borodin

Completed Solves
Russia 2022BORO01 Male 3 72

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1473 17022 69458 16.45 16.92 49445 12227 1004
2x2x2 Cube 333 5207 15664 2.65 3.33 5463 1843 101
4x4x4 Cube 1383 15852 54449 1:48.11
3x3x3 One-Handed 1332 13195 49287 50.68
Clock 312 4860 13763 17.77 20.58 12484 4378 270
Pyraminx 1070 11073 33970 7.40 11.93 40700 12976 1364
Skewb 1448 14499 45618 13.55 25.97 53163 16795 1785
3x3x3 Cube
Cyprus Nationals 2024 Second round 25 16.63 16.92 16.6316.7319.3916.8517.17
First round 28 16.45 20.05 18.8122.2622.4119.0716.45
Cyprus Winter Cup 2023 Second round 48 28.00 30.06 28.0030.2130.1629.8232.13
First round 47 24.11 29.31 31.1730.8228.0124.1129.10
Cyprus Championship 2022 First round 60 40.28 46.04 59.1852.0544.9641.1240.28
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