Nicholas Audie Candra

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2022CAND03 Male 4 67

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 534 11392 31234 11.88 14.72 33695 12620 560
2x2x2 Cube 450 8086 29491 3.40 4.86 23053 6707 322
4x4x4 Cube 279 5630 15949 48.90 54.44 14597 5188 245
Skewb 292 4824 18798 6.64 8.36 12175 3357 184
3x3x3 Cube
Cubing in Palem 2023 Second round 24 12.65 15.36 14.5712.6515.3419.5916.16
First round 23 11.88 14.72 14.8615.2615.4914.0511.88
Ignatian Open 2023 First round 35 14.30 14.78 14.9114.7214.7214.3017.19
Indonesian Championship 2022 First round 71 13.60 15.35 13.6014.8416.4016.8914.81
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing B 2022 First round 31 15.82 18.46 15.8218.5720.9624.1315.86
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