Matthew Chilton

Completed Solves
United States 2022CHIL01 Male 2 32

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 25055 33143 122474 24.23 29.65 123584 33547 25342
2x2x2 Cube 23360 30555 106097 7.80 8.78 84379 24128 18413
4x4x4 Cube 13549 17842 61593 2:09.27
Pyraminx 14859 19063 65930 10.91 15.79 66976 19492 15199
Skewb 15582 19526 60436 28.02
3x3x3 Cube
Idaho French Fried 2022 First round 54 24.23 34.48 35.1636.1324.2336.6332.16
Utah's California Gull Extravaganza 2022 Second round 113 26.15 29.65 33.0028.7927.2332.9326.15
First round 119 27.31 30.92 31.9834.3627.6427.3133.14
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