Edward Elgar

Completed Solves
Australia 2022ELGA02 Male 3 36

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5153 6159 134584 26.22 32.64 137976 6364 5336
2x2x2 Cube 5402 6493 120789 9.24 22.96 145759 8114 6797
Megaminx 1028 1272 26224 4:00.74
Pyraminx 3225 3891 69227 11.22 17.57 77249 4349 3609
Skewb 2182 2634 46138 13.62 19.82 45622 2604 2155
3x3x3 Cube
Sydney Spring Sunday 2024 First round 89 26.22 36.70 38.2936.1826.2235.6441.48
Marrickville Mega May Open 2023 First round 82 32.19 36.87 36.1639.5538.9732.1935.48
South Coast Spring 2022 First round 37 29.20 32.64 32.3633.0832.4748.7429.20
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