James Erik Haryanto

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2022HARY02 Male 4 127

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 349 7864 21766 10.71 12.69 19919 7381 305
2x2x2 Cube 994 16843 57615 4.78 5.27 29728 8769 434
4x4x4 Cube 443 8547 25215 59.45 1:14.03 28663 9413 524
5x5x5 Cube 436 7327 26225 2:52.50
3x3x3 One-Handed 247 4892 13181 20.43 25.13 12980 4982 244
Clock 278 4661 21466 34.98
Megaminx 272 5275 22998 3:17.43
Pyraminx 252 4361 16329 5.33 10.14 27777 7705 432
Skewb 605 9784 40294 11.74 15.05 34475 8593 527
3x3x3 Cube
Rapid Academy Surabaya Showdown 2025 First round 18 11.54 14.34 11.5414.3714.6517.2714.00
Surabaya Showdown 2024 First round 27 13.03 15.49 17.0814.7013.0315.4016.37
Surabaya Open 2023 Second round 15 11.91 12.69 12.7611.9113.2513.0412.27
First round 18 10.71 13.58 13.6210.7114.3715.4812.75
Surabaya Open 2022 First round 26 13.73 16.10 16.4216.8115.0713.7317.12
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