Glenn Nathanael Heryawan

Completed Solves
Indonesia 2022HERY01 Male 5 84

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 699 14491 39359 12.83 14.36 31078 11611 502
2x2x2 Cube 1009 17120 58613 4.82 6.78 56199 16998 954
4x4x4 Cube 1130 16796 57876 1:56.83
3x3x3 One-Handed 1170 16557 49622 51.17 59.79 44327 14989 1116
Clock 237 4073 18230 24.87 29.45 16050 3620 211
Pyraminx 924 16516 62453 10.45 16.21 69697 18646 1069
Skewb 826 13853 59073 23.91
3x3x3 Cube
Canisius College Weekend 2023 Second round 27 13.33 14.36 13.3313.9617.5914.9314.19
First round 31 14.24 15.51 17.4416.2115.4014.2414.93
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing 2023 First round 60 15.30 16.53 16.8617.3615.3020.2415.37
Ignatian Open 2023 First round 60 12.83 18.22 19.2617.8212.8317.5919.71
Indonesian Championship 2022 First round 117 18.87 20.93 18.8726.2119.2620.3423.20
Taman Anggrek Speedcubing B 2022 First round 52 27.05 28.45 33.6727.0927.1327.0531.14
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