Carter Jensen

Completed Solves
United States 2022JENS11 Male 4 136

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2422 3152 11997 9.24 11.47 12943 3340 2562
2x2x2 Cube 8263 10863 38966 3.88 4.58 18862 5310 4092
4x4x4 Cube 4187 5733 22627 56.42 1:03.85 22019 5579 4076
3x3x3 One-Handed 3212 4392 18233 23.24 27.12 15971 3780 2765
Clock 3632 4398 14100 18.20 23.95 14174 4561 3774
Megaminx 4445 6090 20504 2:53.00
Pyraminx 6422 8250 30303 7.00 11.11 34611 9491 7401
Skewb 2422 3099 11099 5.06 9.33 15506 4328 3362
Square-1 5586 6961 20821 1:36.32
3x3x3 Cube
Pillar of Fire Colorado 2023 Final 14 12.68 13.72 14.7612.6813.6813.1114.37
Second round 13 9.54 11.47 11.1912.6510.5814.579.54
First round 19 10.28 12.19 12.1013.5011.8610.2812.60
LoCo Cubing PM 2022 Final 11 11.97 13.84 12.1111.9717.7416.6512.76
First round 6 10.69 12.04 12.5212.3114.9511.2910.69
Loveland Fall 2022 Second round 17 12.62 13.53 14.1813.2713.3114.0212.62
First round 16 12.27 13.16 12.4812.4516.6212.2714.56
CO Solving in Fall for All 2022 Final 11 12.50 13.53 12.9313.3015.2414.3612.50
Second round 12 9.24 13.43 15.469.2412.5914.6913.02
First round 13 11.55 14.29 14.6415.3915.0213.2211.55
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