Ajoy Kaul

Completed Solves
Canada 2022KAUL01 Male 5 100

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1757 13200 51802 14.27 18.60 61452 15618 2076
2x2x2 Cube 2271 17126 60644 4.91 5.84 39860 11206 1492
4x4x4 Cube 1100 9326 35347 1:12.65 1:23.87 33965 9177 1065
5x5x5 Cube 882 7753 26889 2:56.93
3x3x3 One-Handed 1371 11015 42576 41.14 52.59 41713 11051 1367
Pyraminx 687 5625 21257 5.95 9.20 21698 5658 713
Square-1 425 3964 12086 33.96 47.90 12354 4113 435
3x3x3 Cube
BC Spring Solving B 2023 Second round 34 14.27 18.60 21.1618.0319.2718.5114.27
First round 37 18.71 20.80 18.7120.9222.2823.4419.21
Richmond Favourites 2023 Second round 44 14.67 19.47 19.0414.6720.4419.3120.07
First round 46 17.64 19.07 18.4720.3517.6418.4027.66
Richmond Open Summer B 2022 First round 30 16.69 22.20 16.6919.8523.4323.3325.28
Cloverdale Open 2022 First round 39 17.13 22.89 29.8829.3717.1318.9220.39
BC Cubing Springback A 2022 First round 43 20.40 21.17 21.2920.4226.0820.4021.81
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