Sonny Landis

Completed Solves
United States 2022LAND02 Male 7 128

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 8060 10733 42214 13.16 15.75 41289 10430 7828
2x2x2 Cube 4423 5789 20577 2.93 5.09 26793 7522 5781
4x4x4 Cube 5590 7596 29308 1:04.61 1:14.26 28887 7644 5666
5x5x5 Cube 5457 7257 25461 2:46.37 3:12.73 21120 5989 4514
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1163 1532 7141 46
Megaminx 2884 3974 13765 2:04.35 2:09.38 11775 3421 2491
Skewb 6594 8331 27573 8.44 13.52 30097 9226 7318
Square-1 4629 5772 17494 56.43
3x3x3 Cube
Oklahoma Fall 2023 Second round 34 14.22 17.94 14.2220.7316.9019.7117.22
First round 27 13.84 16.65 18.1317.8816.5315.5513.84
Lawton OKtoberfest Fall 2023 Second round 17 13.16 15.75 16.6713.1614.1416.4521.08
First round 19 13.72 17.76 13.7219.8619.1115.9818.20
Twisters in Tulsa 2023 Second round 25 16.25 17.38 18.5416.3617.2416.2518.57
First round 25 16.06 17.27 18.0516.0617.1219.8416.64
Cube More in Ardmore 2022 Second round 31 13.18 16.17 15.6015.3113.1822.7617.60
First round 34 15.92 19.40 20.2217.8315.9222.3620.15
Kansas Cubing Open Winter 2022 Second round 29 16.64 19.50 21.2916.6421.7516.6720.53
First round 27 16.14 17.51 17.0617.8418.7716.1417.64
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