Lucy LaRock

Completed Solves
United States 2022LARO03 Female 5 81

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 50132 65349 239990 1:35.83 2:10.35 236759 64829 49741
2x2x2 Cube 22792 29822 103743 7.58 19.18 137931 39898 30653
Clock 2910 3532 11556 15.25 18.82 11367 3517 2916
Pyraminx 17190 22050 75725 12.20 19.66 84972 24890 19411
Skewb 8936 11268 36044 10.51 32.55 57019 18694 14920
3x3x3 Cube
Loon Cubikon 2023 First round 103 1:35.83 2:10.35 2:40.181:35.832:10.091:40.793:27.85
Vermont Cubikon 2023 First round 63 2:09.13 4:20.12 3:57.306:17.06DNF2:45.992:09.13
Panthers Cube Day 2023 First round 68 1:42.37 2:59.42 2:30.201:42.376:58.343:31.902:56.17
Troy Story 2023 First round 150 1:55.08 3:03.24 1:55.083:07.733:34.19DNF2:27.81
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