Jarrett McWhirt

Completed Solves
United States 2022MCWH01 Male 3 111

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2287 2969 11284 9.12 11.30 12058 3113 2398
2x2x2 Cube 3722 4851 17454 2.76 4.35 15614 4412 3420
4x4x4 Cube 4435 6069 23767 57.71 1:01.49 20289 5098 3710
5x5x5 Cube 2763 3720 13908 1:48.18 1:55.82 12813 3435 2560
3x3x3 One-Handed 2944 4002 16684 22.34 24.67 12329 2881 2102
Clock 1764 2154 7183 11.08
Megaminx 4638 6336 21173 2:58.84
Pyraminx 1507 1935 7689 3.93 7.16 10683 2662 2068
Skewb 8847 11156 35741 10.43 17.82 41287 13176 10457
3x3x3 Cube
Ohio State RPAC Cube Clash 2023 Semi Final 36 9.18 12.23 12.8412.519.1811.3519.88
Second round 32 9.63 11.30 9.6312.3111.2611.7010.94
First round 39 11.46 12.59 11.8911.4612.5014.0613.37
CubingUSA Southeast Championship 2022 Semi Final 64 10.60 13.53 11.4015.3414.8614.3410.60
Second round 56 9.12 11.54 14.7413.139.1211.2310.25
First round 78 11.20 13.56 13.4813.1315.2814.0711.20
Bulldog Winter 2.0 2022 First round 23 12.08 13.54 14.1013.2613.2717.8412.08
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