Bolormaa Narantuya

Completed Solves
Mongolia 2022NARA10 Female 3 55

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 457 47214 140187 27.55 35.45 147695 49349 484
2x2x2 Cube 519 36907 127075 10.32 11.58 109203 32257 397
Pyraminx 257 13294 50226 9.10 14.60 59606 16067 285
Skewb 157 10648 44404 13.11 18.99 43763 10594 147
3x3x3 Cube
Ulaanbaatar Spring 2023 First round 80 29.71 36.91 29.8147.3839.3629.7141.57
Mongolian Open 2022 First round 75 27.55 35.64 27.5536.2339.0853.4231.62
Mongolia Championship 2022 First round 118 29.79 35.45 35.8037.7341.1029.7932.81
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