Joben Nelson

Completed Solves
United States 2022NELS07 Male 6 275

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1747 2249 8475 8.58 10.45 8105 2133 1668
2x2x2 Cube 329 403 1454 1.21 2.45 1512 435 349
4x4x4 Cube 1789 2476 10138 42.73 49.77 10668 2582 1866
5x5x5 Cube 2796 3759 14013 1:48.59 1:58.86 13490 3654 2731
6x6x6 Cube 2049 2746 9274 4:00.41 4:43.85 9125 2733 2055
3x3x3 One-Handed 2114 2880 11949 19.71 26.23 14642 3437 2518
Clock 1478 1818 6135 10.20 11.87 5636 1706 1398
Megaminx 1599 2219 8097 1:31.44 1:45.91 8562 2345 1688
Pyraminx 1222 1545 6157 3.61 4.92 3577 902 717
Skewb 2273 2911 10464 4.93 6.45 6085 1621 1250
Square-1 2246 2770 8497 25.59 37.16 9374 3077 2494

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0
3x3x3 Cube
Concordia Turning Fall 2024 Final 10 8.58 11.45 12.3310.6611.3713.898.58
Second round 10 8.98 11.01 8.9811.5110.5610.9612.42
First round 4 9.21 10.45 11.0111.8110.519.219.83
Concordia Turning Spring 2024 Final 6 9.61 11.04 9.6111.3710.9213.5510.83
Second round 6 9.21 10.85 9.6112.129.2110.8313.18
First round 9 10.24 12.17 11.6614.9510.2410.7114.14
Concordia Turning Fall 2023 Final 14 8.90 13.57 8.9013.6815.5811.4619.13
Second round 9 9.40 11.91 10.2211.6713.9113.839.40
First round 5 10.05 10.89 10.0511.4210.6313.9710.61
Cubing for Autism Missouri 2023 Final 9 11.61 12.43 13.6912.0913.4411.7611.61
Second round 11 11.93 12.67 12.8012.6511.9312.5513.91
First round 11 11.44 12.63 12.9012.9711.4412.0315.18
KC Krazy Cubing Winter 2023 Final 10 12.61 14.09 14.9716.2712.6113.3413.95
Second round 6 11.62 12.04 12.1811.6211.9015.1112.03
First round 7 10.62 13.12 DNF12.7510.6213.8012.80
Concordia Turning 2022 Second round 22 10.71 14.05 15.3912.9314.4414.7810.71
First round 31 13.65 16.85 19.4615.1817.2013.6518.16
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