Mack Pokorny

Completed Solves
United States 2022POKO01 Male 5 174

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3211 4197 16103 9.92 12.23 17098 4385 3335
2x2x2 Cube 12418 16288 57801 4.80 6.67 53995 15245 11638
4x4x4 Cube 1975 2741 11212 43.96 52.91 13212 3240 2360
5x5x5 Cube 2597 3498 13119 1:45.22 1:55.18 12621 3377 2512
3x3x3 One-Handed 4428 6068 24673 27.07 32.99 24050 5868 4290
Clock 1679 2056 6875 10.86 11.64 5376 1634 1343
Pyraminx 400 496 1942 2.42 11.39 36508 10081 7857
Square-1 2599 3209 9835 28.62 37.52 9452 3113 2520
3x3x3 Cube
Harmony El Paso Cubing 2023 Final 7 11.16 12.23 11.7515.6811.2311.1613.72
Second round 7 10.40 12.65 11.8213.1210.4013.0214.12
First round 7 12.19 15.50 13.3112.1916.9822.7616.20
BeCubed Spring 2023 Final 16 11.40 17.37 11.4013.09DNF13.8625.15
Second round 15 12.50 14.81 18.7915.5814.9112.5013.95
First round 15 9.92 14.79 9.9216.8413.2119.3614.32
AZCubing Winter 2022 Second round 34 12.09 13.94 12.0912.7518.2314.9214.15
First round 36 13.39 14.88 14.8515.1717.5414.6213.39
BeCubed Summer 2022 Second round 21 11.70 17.06 17.1618.1117.1111.7016.91
First round 25 11.92 16.80 11.9214.0115.7420.66DNF
AZCubing Summer 2022 Second round 20 15.52 17.01 18.2115.5221.3916.2616.57
First round 22 16.83 18.67 19.4919.4317.0922.5016.83
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