Josua du Raan

Completed Solves
South Africa 2022RAAN01 Male 2 101

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 136 318 35967 12.43 13.45 24927 209 90
2x2x2 Cube 229 397 42343 4.03 4.62 19476 141 86
4x4x4 Cube 87 184 23669 57.51 1:05.00 22900 176 84
3x3x3 One-Handed 66 152 18949 23.61 29.33 19176 158 70
Megaminx 41 68 10346 1:43.21 1:57.05 10352 71 44
Pyraminx 170 268 30837 7.04 15.39 65011 621 375
Skewb 167 237 35777 10.39 14.90 34258 220 160
3x3x3 Cube
Cubestuff Challenge Centurion Hotel Q1 2025 Final 12 12.54 13.45 13.6612.5415.5813.3913.31
Second round 11 12.58 14.54 12.5812.9415.2815.6715.40
First round 13 12.43 14.36 12.6912.4315.8116.1714.58
Arnold Classic Africa 2022 Second round 19 17.11 20.35 21.5819.4217.1121.1120.51
First round 17 17.29 18.80 18.8823.6517.2917.3120.22
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