Aayush Sahu

Completed Solves
United States 2022SAHU03 Male 10 256

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3197 4175 16023 9.87 10.69 9243 2414 1875
2x2x2 Cube 2302 2953 10658 2.31 4.77 21765 6116 4704
4x4x4 Cube 1767 2439 9991 42.47 45.29 7304 1784 1297
5x5x5 Cube 924 1256 4911 1:15.79 1:24.69 4987 1285 938
6x6x6 Cube 710 946 3394 2:30.93 2:35.82 2987 843 644
7x7x7 Cube 504 688 2485 3:40.73 3:54.96 2500 682 500
3x3x3 Blindfolded 488 632 2884 1:47.47
3x3x3 One-Handed 2123 2886 11992 19.70 22.33 9094 2156 1568
Clock 3601 4368 14058 17.93 19.76 12183 3781 3130
Megaminx 1829 2533 9106 1:36.46 1:45.14 8484 2319 1671
Pyraminx 1990 2565 10104 4.36 9.30 22364 5862 4535
Skewb 1718 2193 8008 4.36 7.84 10510 2834 2176
Square-1 796 968 2832 13.85 17.56 2364 798 661
3x3x3 Multi-Blind 285 363 1651 7/10 51:02
3x3x3 Cube
Super Duper San Diego 2024 Semi Final 54 11.65 13.36 11.6512.0714.1514.0513.96
Second round 42 10.72 11.66 11.1510.7212.4412.3211.52
First round 64 10.18 13.85 10.1812.5114.5015.4114.55
Nub Open Mission Viejo Summer 2024 Second round 47 11.55 14.30 13.2711.5514.3715.3715.27
First round 32 10.15 11.85 11.5110.1512.0813.4311.97
San Diego Big Cub 2024 Final 16 11.46 11.97 13.5212.2712.1111.4611.52
Second round 15 9.87 10.69 11.149.8710.4910.7910.79
First round 23 11.94 13.26 14.9411.9412.9413.7513.10
UCSD Extravaganza 2023 Second round 61 11.83 14.73 13.5515.0816.4711.8315.55
First round 76 12.63 16.35 17.4217.5814.0518.2712.63
UCSD Unofficial Events 2023 First round 15 10.30 12.20 10.3010.7512.7915.9213.06
Poway Summer Cubing 2023 Second round 37 14.71 18.53 14.7116.8617.4831.1421.25
First round 26 11.75 14.63 11.7515.91DNF13.8914.10
Oak Valley Winter B 2023 Second round 36 15.72 18.04 15.7217.3719.8017.8118.95
First round 34 13.36 16.63 17.0617.7617.5815.2513.36
Cozy Cubing Poway 2023 Second round 60 13.86 18.14 17.7220.6818.2618.4513.86
First round 61 15.05 17.44 15.0518.0420.0515.8518.43
Marshall Middle Slice 2022 First round 75 17.81 21.37 23.0326.4119.6121.4717.81
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