Jacob Jinhyuk Seo

Completed Solves
Australia 2022SEOJ01 Male 3 75

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4864 5820 127806 25.15 27.93 115793 5185 4321
2x2x2 Cube 4097 4951 93477 6.78 8.68 83325 4330 3569
4x4x4 Cube 1985 2479 54645 1:48.55
5x5x5 Cube 1062 1337 30023 3:28.55
3x3x3 One-Handed 1909 2358 54404 1:02.49
Clock 702 904 19023 26.86
Pyraminx 3038 3677 65176 10.80 12.49 44957 2419 1950
Skewb 1207 1500 27610 8.47 14.01 31541 1725 1405
3x3x3 Cube
Melbourne Summer 2023 Second round 189 25.15 27.93 27.5630.1631.1226.0625.15
First round 212 26.79 28.22 27.8627.4029.4126.7930.45
Wonderful Williamstown 2022 First round 226 35.62 37.80 35.6235.9250.3040.0637.42
Melbourne Mini Sunday 2022 First round 85 37.01 42.39 37.0143.5645.3846.2438.22
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