Arses Shahravan (آرسس شهروان)

Completed Solves
Iran 2022SHAH04 Male 6 137

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 83 5042 14232 9.61 12.37 17959 6628 112
2x2x2 Cube 31 1784 7639 2.08 3.02 3616 905 18
4x4x4 Cube 80 6840 19646 52.98 1:02.40 20934 7232 82
3x3x3 One-Handed 132 9213 25052 27.27 32.70 23737 8915 130
Clock 8 804 3577 8.07 12.12 5879 1333 10
Megaminx 13 1079 3943 1:08.53 1:22.48 4736 1305 14
Pyraminx 10 499 2030 2.45 4.92 3576 1031 23
Square-1 2 353 1691 11.20 13.77 1215 254 2

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 2 2
3x3x3 Cube
Hooshinoo Summer 2023 First round 24 10.96 12.37 15.1110.9611.2711.6014.25
Kerman Summer 2023 First round 41 14.38 15.44 16.8414.6314.8614.38DNF
ViraCup 2023 Second round 20 9.61 12.42 9.6113.7211.9512.3512.95
First round 21 10.86 13.09 10.8614.0612.7014.4812.50
Welcome Back Iran 2022 Second round 15 10.12 14.98 14.4317.3918.7013.1110.12
First round 15 11.22 12.99 12.4413.8914.5311.2212.64
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