Liam De Voogdt

Completed Solves
Belgium 2022VOOG01 Male 3 30

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 500 29276 120217 23.80 28.85 120246 29234 502
2x2x2 Cube 386 22345 80171 5.96 7.97 74221 20612 355
3x3x3 Cube
Koersel Sunday Open 2023 First round 43 23.80 29.90 31.5523.8036.2529.3828.76
Brugge Open 2023 First round 107 25.81 30.06 28.3132.2833.0425.8129.59
Ganshoren Sunday Open 2022 Second round 47 27.71 28.85 30.3729.9028.2327.7128.42
First round 55 24.82 32.00 24.8231.2128.2136.5747.36
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