Mattix Ezekiel Aguilera

Completed Solves
United States 2023AGUI07 Male 5 123

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2326 3019 11518 9.16 11.18 11474 2978 2297
2x2x2 Cube 3430 4450 16095 2.68 4.20 13648 3842 2987
4x4x4 Cube 4768 6501 25322 59.57 1:08.11 24956 6454 4731
5x5x5 Cube 4981 6638 23486 2:34.49
3x3x3 One-Handed 1570 2148 8970 17.96 25.90 14179 3319 2430
Clock 3011 3656 11955 15.66 20.20 12261 3834 3182
Pyraminx 9204 11802 41944 8.25 10.46 29982 8116 6296
3x3x3 Cube
Beckman Gets Big 2023 Second round 25 9.98 11.93 11.3711.5813.7212.839.98
First round 26 11.41 12.70 13.0611.8815.3313.1711.41
Corona Summer 2023 Second round 29 10.94 11.18 11.3511.7211.1210.9411.06
First round 48 9.16 13.06 13.859.1612.1013.2414.63
Rialto Cubing Summer 2023 Second round 26 10.13 12.72 12.7110.1318.3012.8612.60
First round 22 11.57 12.42 14.9112.1611.9413.1511.57
Vegas Speedcubing Summer 2023 Second round 25 11.90 13.25 12.5814.7011.9017.3212.46
First round 13 10.55 12.08 11.8412.8321.2110.5511.58
Mountains Open Up 2023 Second round 18 12.86 16.09 14.5917.5416.1518.1212.86
First round 14 12.58 13.93 15.1515.7413.7712.5812.86
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