Lucas Baker

Completed Solves
United States 2023BAKE05 Male 3 74

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7448 9889 38957 12.79 16.20 44321 11193 8389
2x2x2 Cube 2201 2834 10270 2.29 6.38 49184 13853 10603
4x4x4 Cube 4907 6689 26016 1:00.48 1:08.19 25015 6469 4743
3x3x3 One-Handed 2975 4046 16867 22.45 35.00 26616 6581 4818
Clock 4748 5734 17765 23.98 24.97 14562 4691 3883
Pyraminx 10303 13204 46799 8.75 13.38 51443 14642 11433
3x3x3 Cube
DFW Back to School 2024 Semi Final 54 13.10 16.95 17.8420.5715.4613.1017.55
Second round 52 13.23 16.50 15.8216.5518.4413.2317.13
First round 48 12.79 16.20 14.8617.9217.1312.7916.60
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023 Second round 54 15.27 17.29 16.8817.1817.8218.5815.27
First round 56 17.36 17.94 17.6917.4417.3623.0218.68
Solving in Shreveport 2023 Second round 24 15.25 16.35 21.5816.3615.9216.7715.25
First round 25 15.48 16.38 15.4816.6516.6819.1815.81
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