Wolf Depret

Completed Solves
Belgium 2023DEPR01 Male 3 50

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 204 11555 46287 13.65 16.02 43006 10670 183
Pyraminx 352 19935 64746 10.74 17.80 77609 23407 395
Skewb 170 8822 26989 8.33 12.39 26277 8497 165
3x3x3 Cube
Leuven Open 2024 Second round 67 14.95 18.22 23.6718.9517.9514.9517.77
First round 70 17.72 18.09 17.7219.4917.9318.1018.25
Zottegem Morning 2023 Final 12 13.65 17.16 16.1313.6521.9316.7018.66
Second round 12 13.79 16.02 16.0616.8518.2413.7915.15
First round 10 15.14 16.66 17.2316.4834.5615.1416.27
Brugge Open 2023 Second round 73 13.72 19.38 26.9420.1619.7413.7218.25
First round 62 17.22 18.57 18.7217.2217.7219.2620.04
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