Kaiho Frestadius

Completed Solves
United Kingdom 2023FRES03 Male 2 45

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 902 9247 36323 12.49 18.10 57663 14187 1321
2x2x2 Cube 787 7959 25354 3.19 6.34 48436 13718 1364
Pyraminx 1703 17145 54790 9.59 18.07 78797 23763 2401
3x3x3 Cube
Rubik's UK Championship 2023 First round 343 19.07 24.59 36.6520.7919.0733.0119.97
Suffolk Summer 2023 Final 46 13.87 18.22 13.8715.9817.7531.6420.94
Second round 44 12.49 18.10 16.0023.7512.4914.5627.44
First round 53 17.04 19.66 20.0917.0418.6122.9220.28
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