Elijah Holihen

Completed Solves
United States 2023HOLI01 Male 3 68

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 13594 18092 70060 16.53 18.35 59396 15074 11281
2x2x2 Cube 4938 6485 23097 3.07 5.13 27335 7670 5899
Clock 2975 3615 11813 15.51 18.38 11078 3419 2830
Pyraminx 2835 3646 14157 5.02 7.79 13589 3396 2641
3x3x3 Cube
GCU Spring 2023 First round 77 16.53 18.35 20.4918.0917.7719.1816.53
FSUbers 4.0 2023 Second round 33 18.76 21.76 18.7621.7923.8519.6524.59
First round 35 19.79 21.24 22.9520.7019.7920.08DNF
Pegasus 2023 First round 143 27.95 29.61 35.6029.9227.9530.8828.03
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