Ángel Yandel Coronel Humerez

Completed Solves
Bolivia 2023HUME02 Male 3 43

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 216 3079 39291 12.83 15.71 40833 3172 225
2x2x2 Cube 440 6645 84043 6.19 8.78 84545 6557 429
4x4x4 Cube 131 1738 22077 55.74 1:04.18 22251 1742 130
5x5x5 Cube 107 1288 18155 2:06.30
3x3x3 Cube
Bolivia Cubing Tour - LPZ 2024 Second round 23 13.50 15.71 16.2415.2213.5015.6820.75
First round 18 12.83 15.76 17.6314.6312.8315.0218.22
Holandés Cubing 2023 Second round 19 16.02 18.30 16.6720.8616.0220.6817.56
First round 20 14.27 18.05 19.7017.9424.4514.2716.52
Primavera Paceña 2023 Second round 34 16.84 18.83 19.5816.8419.4622.2417.45
First round 38 19.86 23.17 28.9321.3219.8627.6920.49
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