Lucas A. Impert

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
United States 2023IMPE01 Male 2 68

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 6552 8704 34210 12.36 15.16 35817 9075 6832
2x2x2 Cube 3157 4099 14818 2.63 4.40 15766 4492 3465
4x4x4 Cube 4216 5792 22705 57.19 1:02.17 20201 5090 3686
5x5x5 Cube 3837 5171 18761 2:11.41
6x6x6 Cube 1756 2355 8035 3:41.50
7x7x7 Cube 933 1272 4510 4:34.36
3x3x3 One-Handed 10027 13515 50775 55.88
Clock 4875 5877 17900 26.37
Megaminx 3623 5025 17149 2:31.10
Pyraminx 7044 9054 32799 7.36 8.65 17849 4594 3578
Skewb 10724 13490 42020 12.59 16.50 37401 11868 9422
Square-1 2569 3163 9692 28.88 37.87 9315 3084 2503
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 Second round 49 13.01 15.90 19.3018.2613.0115.4514.00
First round 53 13.00 16.65 13.00DNF19.8513.6716.43
Eugene Cubing 2023 Second round 28 12.36 15.72 13.4519.6616.5412.3617.17
First round 30 13.91 15.16 16.0820.1714.1215.2913.91
2x2x2 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 24 2.63 4.40 3.622.637.275.174.41
Eugene Cubing 2023 First round 20 2.87 4.66
4x4x4 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 29 57.23 1:02.88 57.231:11.091:04.511:05.5758.56
Eugene Cubing 2023 Final 19 57.19 1:02.17 1:50.1757.191:02.901:03.181:00.42
5x5x5 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 30 2:11.41 2:20.192:11.41
6x6x6 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 Final 18 3:41.50 3:41.50
7x7x7 Cube
Oregon Championship 2023 Final 13 4:34.36 4:34.36
3x3x3 One-Handed
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 61 55.88 55.8857.74
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 38 26.37 26.37DNF
Oregon Championship 2023 Final 30 2:31.10 2:31.102:35.56
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 26 7.55 8.65 10.459.227.757.558.99
Eugene Cubing 2023 First round 21 7.36 9.15 7.4611.317.3610.779.23
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 46 12.59 16.50 15.6919.3226.3314.4812.59
Oregon Championship 2023 First round 28 28.88 37.87 39.0628.8844.3330.2348.19
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