Mikhail Lavrentev

Completed Solves
Cyprus 2023LAVR01 Male 4 118

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 52 17683 72188 16.77 19.89 69818 17043 49
2x2x2 Cube 51 17713 62277 5.00 6.51 51647 14578 43
4x4x4 Cube 28 10576 37393 1:15.70 1:33.74 37707 10640 29
5x5x5 Cube 27 9251 28997 3:16.42
3x3x3 One-Handed 31 11294 42964 41.61 47.03 38445 9980 25
Clock 26 5407 15573 20.18 25.06 14668 5029 25
Megaminx 17 5629 17965 2:32.89 3:04.43 15554 4681 12
Pyraminx 50 15661 49621 9.02 12.94 48505 15241 46
Skewb 47 13589 42675 12.46 15.22 35059 11167 42
Square-1 5 2784 8413 25.39 44.15 11475 3753 10
3x3x3 Cube
Kolla Spring Cup 2024 First round 18 16.77 22.17 25.1722.9822.6620.8616.77
Kolla Winter Cup 2024 Second round 33 19.27 23.60 26.1725.2319.2723.8721.69
First round 26 18.26 19.89 20.8424.9618.2619.9418.89
Kolla Summer Cup 2023 Second round 22 16.86 20.90 18.6416.8620.3023.7625.54
First round 25 18.10 21.31 22.4721.6827.2018.1019.78
Cyprus Winter Cup 2023 Second round 49 26.87 33.77 26.8734.5333.7839.1933.00
First round 46 27.25 27.62 27.9827.2534.4227.4427.43
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