Aydin Mubeen

Completed Solves
Sri Lanka 2023MUBE01 Male 2 48

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 43 10268 28212 11.53 14.45 31669 11847 50
2x2x2 Cube 133 20682 70166 5.41 6.76 55693 16856 98
3x3x3 One-Handed 64 12997 36576 35.32 42.48 34771 12348 63
Pyraminx 116 13270 50130 9.09 10.06 27265 7581 41
3x3x3 Cube
Colombo Cubing Christmas 2023 Final 15 15.07 16.44 16.1816.7716.5315.0716.62
Second round 14 11.53 14.83 20.8215.2415.2011.5314.04
First round 12 13.53 14.45 13.5318.0515.3014.4613.60
Colombo Matrix Open 2023 Second round 18 14.63 16.68 14.6315.19DNF18.7516.11
First round 21 16.60 17.87 18.5635.4717.2416.6017.82
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