Nirusha Pawan Muthugala

Completed Solves
Sri Lanka 2023MUTH05 Male 2 32

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 87 17247 46880 13.72 18.95 63447 23414 112
4x4x4 Cube 175 19457 71048 3:26.64
Pyraminx 127 14034 52962 9.39 12.14 42313 11559 85
3x3x3 Cube
Matale Cubing Year-End 2023 Second round 24 16.85 18.95 30.2517.1319.2420.4916.85
First round 26 18.98 21.25 18.9820.5820.8222.3525.40
Colombo Cubing Christmas 2023 Second round 48 13.72 20.08 22.1013.7219.3023.9518.84
First round 55 18.30 20.19 21.8119.4719.4118.3021.69
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