Fynn Mynhardt

Completed Solves
South Africa 2023MYNH01 Male 3 43

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 301 676 67693 16.18 18.07 57793 556 245
2x2x2 Cube 545 967 92685 6.69 8.02 75339 729 405
Pyraminx 507 862 78625 12.59
3x3x3 Cube
CubingZA Cape Cubes Spring 2023 Second round 27 16.63 18.07 22.3619.8116.8216.6317.57
First round 24 16.23 18.41 19.3720.3918.5816.2317.29
CubingZA Cape Cubes Autumn 2023 Second round 25 17.37 18.85 17.3719.8218.1822.8518.54
First round 26 16.63 19.91 21.3120.5222.5316.6317.91
CubingZA Cape Cubes Summer 2023 Second round 31 16.18 21.90 27.5122.5716.1822.7820.35
First round 28 20.08 20.84 20.0834.3520.7321.6920.11
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