Adam Östberg

Completed Solves
Sweden 2023OSTB01 Male 2 54

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 457 12895 51786 14.30 16.71 47964 11890 411
2x2x2 Cube 672 14715 50398 4.43 5.62 35824 10327 459
4x4x4 Cube 272 7281 25892 1:00.30 1:14.18 28752 8129 306
5x5x5 Cube 301 7638 24615 2:41.30
Megaminx 139 2995 9996 1:41.74 1:52.97 9702 2905 139
Pyraminx 422 8636 25972 6.51 7.69 13100 4453 210
3x3x3 Cube
Back to School Stockholm 2023 Second round 25 16.76 18.19 17.7617.3619.4616.7621.33
First round 20 14.30 16.71 16.0718.1717.1914.3016.88
Monts du Lyonnais Open 2023 Second round 51 17.82 19.97 19.1317.8222.1518.6326.91
First round 56 21.50 23.85 27.8222.1523.5525.8521.50
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