Landon Overstreet

Completed Solves
United States 2023OVER02 Male 5 128

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 13048 17372 67393 16.20 19.51 67017 17193 12864
2x2x2 Cube 15939 20890 73467 5.59 6.50 51243 14451 11050
4x4x4 Cube 9505 12722 46349 1:31.33
5x5x5 Cube 4182 5591 20208 2:16.19 2:30.16 18390 5191 3907
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1704 2318 10580 74
3x3x3 One-Handed 12029 16107 58480 1:17.47
Pyraminx 9659 12369 43895 8.45 11.34 36212 10008 7805
Skewb 6929 8774 28866 8.76 11.67 23756 7014 5500
Square-1 3305 4099 12506 35.19 45.66 11821 3917 3168
3x3x3 Cube
DFW Cubing Summer 2024 Second round 73 16.20 19.73 16.2022.8916.8919.4025.23
First round 80 18.81 23.47 23.7027.3921.3818.8125.34
Longhorn Cube Day 2023 Semi Final 63 21.43 26.49 22.6833.6121.43DNF23.17
Second round 59 16.72 19.82 17.8621.4416.7226.2420.16
First round 83 24.19 28.45 34.4825.44DNF25.4324.19
Pretzel Mania Dallas 2023 Semi Final 118 18.35 22.99 22.1518.3528.4122.6324.18
Second round 107 18.50 19.51 20.9920.7418.5018.9818.81
First round 138 20.52 24.32 24.0822.0237.2820.5226.85
MYHM Puzzling in Plano 2023 First round 87 21.16 24.90 26.2521.1628.5124.5523.89
Solving in Shreveport 2023 Second round 49 21.17 25.61 24.0933.9621.1721.7231.01
First round 52 27.56 30.68 29.4536.6429.3833.2027.56
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