Leo Qu (屈静悠)

Completed Solves
China 2023QULE01 Male 3 84

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1202 3695 10491 8.96 10.99 10540 3818 1274
2x2x2 Cube 3458 11256 39978 3.92 4.52 18038 5158 1596
3x3x3 One-Handed 1289 3659 9951 18.54 22.77 9698 3702 1344
Pyraminx 2201 6727 25139 6.41 8.55 17787 5080 1802
Skewb 2276 7063 28234 8.59 17.33 40313 9876 3108
Square-1 636 2230 9936 28.71 40.81 10522 2368 704
3x3x3 Cube
Championnat Québécois 2024 Second round 23 11.11 12.25 12.7412.7011.3013.7711.11
First round 20 8.96 10.99 11.269.9512.778.9611.76
Nouveaux Venus à Montréal A 2024 First round 21 14.57 15.72 18.0815.8315.7214.5715.60
Défi Jeunesse Montréal 2023 First round 49 16.59 18.84 20.2119.6819.7817.0516.59
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