Luke Rankin

Completed Solves
United States 2023RANK01 Male 4 175

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3875 5050 19526 10.40 12.96 21610 5481 4177
2x2x2 Cube 2590 3353 12120 2.42 5.22 28862 8099 6228
4x4x4 Cube 8866 11879 43640 1:26.23 1:34.32 37804 10389 7847
3x3x3 One-Handed 2501 3407 14210 20.97 23.43 10590 2486 1808
Megaminx 2247 3093 10998 1:47.40 1:56.88 10264 2905 2119
Pyraminx 5328 6865 25490 6.46 10.07 27343 7319 5679
Skewb 4674 5964 20418 6.97 9.07 14595 4066 3153
Square-1 3933 4912 15109 44.64 1:05.62 14609 4802 3842
3x3x3 Cube
Sheridan Stampede 2024 Final 14 10.63 14.01 12.2310.6316.8912.92DNF
Second round 15 11.43 14.81 14.0815.0611.4315.28DNF
First round 13 11.94 12.96 14.3211.9414.8812.1012.46
Billings Speedcubing 2023 Final 7 13.32 14.21 13.3213.5915.5513.4915.86
Second round 8 10.66 14.75 15.6810.6617.7415.9512.63
First round 10 14.31 17.34 14.3119.4832.9415.9816.56
Don't Blow Away Casper 2023 Final 11 10.40 16.03 17.9217.6817.2010.4013.22
Second round 6 10.71 13.30 16.1612.9315.4010.7111.56
First round 9 13.10 14.64 16.1213.1015.0313.3215.57
Don't Fall Off Devils Tower 2023 Second round 15 13.47 16.78 16.9513.4716.0017.4018.03
First round 13 13.04 15.06 15.3120.0313.3516.5113.04
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