Brenden Shipp

Completed Solves
United States 2023SHIP02 Male 2 33

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 11167 14868 58083 15.05 20.15 71243 18325 13734
4x4x4 Cube 7977 10732 39878 1:19.75
Pyraminx 19656 25258 86563 14.08 20.43 87447 25610 19986
Skewb 11970 15069 46782 14.02 21.36 47836 15576 12394
3x3x3 Cube
Springfield Summer Open 2023 Second round 45 19.25 20.75 21.6419.8122.6619.2520.80
First round 49 19.19 22.51 27.4020.2021.0526.2819.19
Twisters in Tulsa 2023 Second round 37 16.54 21.63 25.3819.1920.6125.0816.54
First round 29 15.05 20.15 20.6222.9517.6315.0522.20
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