Pepijn Snoek

Completed Solves
Netherlands 2023SNOE01 Male 3 40

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1252 33110 136663 27.19 31.24 129229 31387 1211
2x2x2 Cube 803 20159 71669 5.54 12.02 110517 30005 1114
Pyraminx 224 6177 17957 5.59 13.16 49229 15448 596
Skewb 410 9337 28736 8.82 14.61 32757 10426 457
3x3x3 Cube
Ermelo Cubing B 2023 First round 148 28.48 31.24 30.5928.4830.3051.2732.82
Kampen Open 2023 First round 170 28.46 38.34 38.5828.4641.4640.9035.55
Alphen Cubing 2023 First round 167 27.19 36.54 57.1334.6527.1942.4332.54
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