Ethan Tamayo

Completed Solves
United States 2023TAMA03 Male 5 217

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4450 5835 22651 10.81 13.25 23615 5961 4544
2x2x2 Cube 3712 4829 17380 2.75 4.15 13155 3692 2870
4x4x4 Cube 3523 4833 19486 52.72 56.60 16502 4078 2970
5x5x5 Cube 2986 4013 14831 1:51.45
3x3x3 One-Handed 1725 2357 9820 18.45 24.96 12784 2985 2183
Clock 2208 2690 8922 12.55
Megaminx 793 1080 3966 1:08.55 1:15.61 3692 997 733
Pyraminx 14938 19169 66362 10.90 12.40 44524 12543 9758
Skewb 4567 5820 19977 6.86 8.54 12834 3533 2732
Square-1 1241 1516 4587 17.50 24.67 4833 1584 1297
3x3x3 Cube
High Five Bloomsburg 2024 Second round 31 12.96 13.97 13.9414.9013.0812.9615.62
First round 32 14.85 15.32 14.9917.9415.9914.8514.98
CubingUSA New England Championship 2024 Second round 78 11.84 13.32 14.6215.5812.7611.8412.58
First round 91 11.15 14.14 11.1514.5915.5116.4112.33
Parsippany Mini PM 2024 Second round 21 13.55 16.70 19.4416.9915.7417.3713.55
First round 20 12.83 15.78 17.3514.0212.8315.9718.72
CubingUSA New England Championship 2023 Semi Final 79 10.81 13.25 10.8115.1814.6812.9012.17
Second round 95 12.45 13.84 12.4516.3214.7812.4614.28
First round 93 11.14 13.87 12.9613.6411.1416.3715.02
CubingUSA Mid-Atlantic Championship 2023 Second round 86 12.29 14.58 13.4916.6415.6414.6112.29
First round 87 11.37 13.81 13.3816.5911.3713.1014.94
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