Yura Trilisky

Completed Solves
United States 2023TRIL01 Male 3 122

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 18411 24431 92510 19.51 24.87 100037 26676 20092
2x2x2 Cube 6075 7983 28572 3.35 6.80 56498 16013 12216
4x4x4 Cube 6167 8337 31821 1:07.94 1:14.13 28753 7608 5632
5x5x5 Cube 4142 5543 20035 2:15.20 2:23.04 17545 4925 3704
3x3x3 One-Handed 7654 10426 40478 38.90 45.17 37035 9627 7082
Megaminx 3327 4594 15780 2:17.87 2:36.42 14137 4218 3082
Pyraminx 16148 20751 71265 11.55 16.58 71786 20920 16295
Skewb 13455 16881 51757 16.43 17.38 40404 12863 10209
Square-1 2765 3419 10464 29.99 38.78 9892 3266 2649

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Fall Bozeman 2024 Second round 22 23.46 25.45 26.6326.9324.3725.3623.46
First round 20 19.51 24.87 27.5619.5124.9124.9224.77
Bozeman Cubing 2024 Second round 14 28.58 30.12 30.2028.58DNF28.8631.29
First round 14 23.61 27.79 31.8226.8327.8028.7523.61
Bozeman Cubing 2023 Second round 18 23.73 26.35 25.9928.5923.7326.5826.49
First round 23 24.99 33.94 39.8036.1234.5524.9931.15
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