Miguel Trevizan Vicente

Completed Solves
Brazil 2023VICE04 Male 2 83

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1323 5514 66673 16.10 20.13 71135 5888 1416
2x2x2 Cube 1037 4293 54723 4.64 7.19 62686 4639 1110
4x4x4 Cube 771 3561 45342 1:29.38 1:40.82 39532 3192 725
3x3x3 One-Handed 615 2399 29612 30.14 36.79 28748 2328 587
Pyraminx 507 2164 29872 6.95 12.10 42030 2893 714
Skewb 561 2094 34387 10.09 18.88 43583 2482 715
Square-1 448 1240 18563 1:04.30 1:19.10 15312 1078 407
3x3x3 Cube
Pé Vermelho II - Londrina 2024 Second round 16 16.63 20.13 18.0423.6123.4218.9216.63
First round 16 16.10 22.36 17.0324.6125.4516.1025.68
Pé Vermelho 2023 First round 21 18.74 24.62 29.5218.7423.7621.1728.94
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