Thomas Webb

Completed Solves
United States 2023WEBB01 Male 7 266

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 594 741 2630 6.95 10.98 10451 2709 2095
2x2x2 Cube 992 1254 4641 1.74 3.03 3659 1033 830
4x4x4 Cube 984 1336 5520 37.12 45.34 7257 1767 1285
5x5x5 Cube 1531 2094 8008 1:27.13 1:37.56 8207 2170 1594
6x6x6 Cube 1758 2357 8053 3:37.27 3:49.18 7522 2222 1674
3x3x3 Blindfolded 888 1142 4966 2:47.98
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1376 1852 8590 51
3x3x3 One-Handed 3320 4549 18828 23.58 29.91 19927 4732 3450
Megaminx 1759 2430 8794 1:35.23 1:43.59 8137 2228 1604
Pyraminx 3476 4485 17173 5.44 7.72 13248 3313 2576
Skewb 1383 1761 6439 4.02 5.98 4760 1255 974
Square-1 1972 2424 7424 23.36 27.07 5723 1853 1500

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 0 0
3x3x3 Cube
Burley Summer 2024 Final 7 9.21 12.16 9.2120.0112.7311.4212.32
Second round 5 11.15 11.69 11.1511.8611.7411.4814.32
First round 5 9.98 11.83 9.9811.5512.5511.3913.78
Utah Puzzling for Awareness 2024 Second round 14 10.46 11.74 11.9312.7311.3710.4611.92
First round 12 11.12 11.53 11.7511.4611.3713.6411.12
Utah Newcomers 2024 Second round 26 10.74 12.69 15.6610.7410.7816.7111.62
First round 17 6.95 10.98 10.9310.456.9511.5513.67
Spooky Solving Idaho 2023 Final 12 11.61 12.94 12.8214.0111.9917.2511.61
Second round 11 12.03 12.69 12.7212.1412.0313.2022.33
First round 13 10.08 12.43 12.9512.4022.0211.9410.08
Burley Summer 2023 Final 8 10.45 13.06 12.6111.2015.6015.3610.45
Second round 5 10.60 11.24 11.8010.6012.3010.9810.94
First round 11 10.78 12.43 11.2410.7812.7815.3313.27
Utah Summer Side Events B 2023 Second round 18 11.47 14.64 13.7315.6211.4717.0214.57
First round 9 10.73 12.59 11.6513.4310.7312.6815.25
Idaho Freeze Dried 2023 Second round 20 11.30 15.69 14.3615.4217.3011.3019.08
First round 27 16.06 19.24 22.1916.0617.34DNF18.18
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