Jose Ricardo Carvajal Hernandez

Completed Solves
Mexico 2024HERN56 Male 2 65

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 641 8374 32899 12.07 16.87 49296 12467 996
2x2x2 Cube 326 4739 17058 2.73 5.58 35288 9896 662
4x4x4 Cube 1259 14698 52536 1:43.26 2:01.05 43196 11912 1053
Megaminx 661 6438 21472 3:00.77 3:23.39 16088 4774 521
Pyraminx 1368 25181 86356 13.94 17.41 76209 22268 1203
Skewb 810 15790 48754 14.78 30.44 56379 18476 891
Square-1 429 7138 21375 2:04.50
3x3x3 Cube
Pitic Open 2025 Second round 10 14.66 18.48 14.6618.8718.2618.8818.30
First round 8 15.87 16.87 15.8716.0517.9317.6316.92
Cascabel Hermosillo 2024 Second round 17 18.82 19.43 20.3418.8219.0118.9322.15
First round 18 12.07 20.04 19.2320.1412.0722.4120.75
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