Justin Oh

Completed Solves
Republic of Korea 2024OHJU01 Male 2 40

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 842 15606 42369 13.21 16.52 46514 17347 925
Clock 152 1778 7578 11.45 15.23 8660 2044 173
Megaminx 174 2732 10029 1:42.10 2:17.04 12471 3256 219
Skewb 88 1584 6181 3.96 7.12 8000 2261 135
Square-1 171 2249 10029 29.00 42.31 10901 2450 187
3x3x3 Cube
Nub Open Lake Forest 2024 Second round 72 13.21 16.52 16.8018.6019.9013.2114.16
First round 75 15.29 17.63 17.7116.7820.9315.2918.40
UCSD Fall 2024 First round 109 17.65 21.36 28.2421.4222.1820.4817.65
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