Xing-Fei Yang (楊行飛)

Completed Solves
Chinese Taipei 2024YANG48 Male 3 45

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2053 43939 129053 25.48 33.55 139799 47048 2200
2x2x2 Cube 1216 34265 117406 9.02 12.37 113319 33343 1205
4x4x4 Cube 900 19011 69196 2:56.07
Clock 274 4615 21218 34.68
Megaminx 269 5680 25277 3:49.91
Pyraminx 592 16926 64028 10.69 18.67 80895 21547 736
Skewb 548 12749 54463 18.58 56.37 59538 13870 575
Square-1 260 4017 19165 1:10.17
3x3x3 Cube
Taiwan Championship 2024 First round 219 27.78 34.68 37.9852.5536.8229.2527.78
Shin Kong Cube Open - New Taipei 2024 First round 279 25.48 33.55 33.6932.2737.9525.4834.69
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